Why Weight Loss is Not the Key to Health: 
4 Things That Could Be Keeping You From Losing the Weight You Want
Make the ultimate shift from dreaming about finding your perfect health (or perfect weight) to finding total freedom and vitality


The dozens of enzymes, chemicals and hormones that participate in digestion can't function properly if you're eating the "wrong" things. We'll address the problems and offer you some solutions.


Underlying chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on your health (and your weight loss efforts!).  We'll walk you through the causes, effects and what can be done.


A could-be-controversial topic, we'll discuss what science has shown to be the optimal balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat and how you can implement this.


A highly underestimated part of your health, we'll discuss the importance of fiber, how it can help your health (and weight) and recommendations for how much you SHOULD be getting.
About Your Host
Hope Pedraza is a certified Holistic Nutritionist and Nutrition Coach specializing in plant based eating. She is also the founder of inBalance, a pilates based fitness studio, where she helps people combine movement and nutrition for optimal living, vitality, and longevity. 
Welcome to my nutrition masterclass! This class will most definitely offer you ways to improve your health and feel GOOD.  By the end of this masterclass, you will understand how the way your body responds, reacts to and metabolizes food is the most powerful and effective way to kickstart your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and vitality.  Click the link below to watch!
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